DE TEGENPARTIJ (NL)Fast, disgusted and fed up with everything. Fast raw punk trio from the Netherlands.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ4xfyZTMKI&ab_channel=yeahNikolaiORDE PRIMATES (NL)Orde Primates, also know as O.P. or OxPx, is a punk band from the Netherlands with their style and inspiration from the 80's hardcore scene. fast and unpredictable riffs. With lyrics in Dutch about social and political issues and a recent release on Fucking Trash Records.https://m.youtube.com/@ordeprimates6112MANFERIORBorn in 2012 hailing from the small city of Leiria, Portugal, Manferior came to life as an output for rage and ruin. Combining the elements of crust/grind,black metal and sludge, immersed in dark soundscapes and furious riffs, Manferior takes the listener to a bleak place where theres is no tomorrow.https://manferior.bandcamp.com/album/from-dust