Este Sábado, 15 de Fevereiro, na @casadocomum , a partir das 21h celebra-se o amor de ser, de resistir e de festejar, partindo de um corpo dissidente.
All About Love é um regabofe em forma de cabaret Queer, onde somos recebidos pela Deusa Tentadora Tita Maravilha e tentades e inesperadamente despertades por 7 Drag Kings, quais 7 pecados imortais. A.M. Dickless, Caeiro, Márcio de Gaya, Masterbitch, Mr. Smooth, Só Carlos e Vulnerable King presenteiam-nos com shows entre o amor erótico e o pure deboche.
Somos levades ao céu pelas palavras da Tita e pelo maravilhoso Leilão de carepackages indecentes, artísticos e experienciais que reclamam os 5 sentidos. Haverá ainda uma rifa que contemplará 10 bilhetes.
Podem adquiri-los através do link shotgun na bio @kuraalmasanctuary.
Sejam rápides e apareçam à hora certa para não perderem nem um pouquinho das delícias servidas esta noite!
This Saturday, February 15, @ Casa do Comum, 9pm we're celebrating the love of being, resisting and rejoicing in a dissident body.
All About Love is a feast in the form of a queer cabaret, where we are welcomed by the tantalizing goddess Tita Maravilha, while unexpectedly tempted and awakened by 7 Drag Kings, just like 7 immortal sins. A.M. Dickless, Caeiro, Márcio de Gaya, Masterbitch, Mr. Smooth, Só Carlos and Vulnerable King present us with shows between erotic love and pure debauchery.
We will be taken to heaven by Tita's words and by the wonderful Auction of indecent, artistic and experiential carepackages that demand all of our 5 senses. There will also be a raffle for 10 tickets.
Go and buy them as soon as you can via the shotgun link in the bio @kuraalmasanctuary.
Hurry up and show up on time so you don't miss out on any of the delights being served on the night!